

IT Industry

Provide the expertise, services, and solutions that traditional companies need to keep up with the latest technologies and trends, ultimately becoming competitive. Collaborating with non-IT companies brings several advantages:

  • Product Placement: Putting products into real use with actual customers is crucial for IT companies to validate, refine, and innovate their offerings. It yields valuable feedback, helps acquire new customers, and provides a competitive edge in the market.
  • Access to New Markets: Leverage the established customer bases and networks that traditional companies often possess. Collaboration can grant you access to new markets and industries you might not reach independently. 
  • Revenue Enhancement: Traditional companies often have larger budgets and are willing to invest in innovative solutions that can help them stay competitive.
  • Reputation Enhancement: Partnering with traditional companies can help you build a strong reputation and establish yourselves as experts in your field.
  • Innovation Opportunities: Utilize your knowledge and expertise to develop innovative solutions that cater to the unique needs of traditional industries. This can lead to new product and service creation, process enhancement, and system improvements.
  • Resource Access: Traditional companies often possess resources that IT companies might lack, such as physical infrastructure, manufacturing facilities, and distribution networks. Collaboration can grant you access to these resources and leverage them to your advantage. 

CDT HUB provides support in connecting you with non-IT companies and initiating the collaboration process. This includes introducing and deploying solutions to real users, finding funding, establishing partnerships, and jointly developing solutions with users.

We leverage our expertise and the network resources of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry to find the suitable partners from traditional industries. We organize networking events and other services to give you opportunities to meet potential partners from traditional industries. These events enable you to showcase your expertise and innovations while learning about the needs and challenges of traditional companies.

Promo Day

CDT HUB's Promo Day offers an opportunity to showcase your product to potential customers, investors, and a broader audience.

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We provide organized mentoring sessions to support individuals and teams across various domains. Our experienced mentors are here to provide support in two key areas: Business Management and Support, as well as Tech Education and Support. Whether you're seeking guidance for business development or technical expertise, our mentors are here to assist you in achieving results and success.

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Event Organization

We organize networking events, presentations of new technologies, and workshops. These events enable you to demonstrate your expertise and innovations while also learning about the needs and challenges of other companies.

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