

Demo Day

CDT HUB's Demo Day offers an opportunity to showcase your product to potential customers, investors, and a broader audience.

We organize product presentations to captivate interested potential customers and investors. Whether your product is fully developed or in the Proof of Concept (PoC), prototype, or Minimum Viable Product (MVP) stage, you have the chance to introduce your solution.

HUB's team of experts scrutinizes your product and offers recommendations for potential partners and the most effective applications. We identify traditional companies that could benefit from or invest in further product development. Our support extends to presenting your product in the best possible light, and our adept team provides legal and business assistance as you establish collaborations with users and navigate the product's continued development.

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Interested in our services? Have question or need additional information? Contact us at phone number +381 66 8750684 or fill out the inquiry below!